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Why you need to be truthful in your CV

Posted On July 25, 2024 

Being honest in your CV is crucial to securing your next job opportunity. You may consider embellishing elements of your CV to paint yourself in a better light but really all you are doing is not being true to yourself or your abilities. The more we know regarding your experience, skills and motivations, the better we can partner with you for your next job. As a Recruitment Specialist it is my job to ask questions, to reconfirm statements you have made about yourself and to qualify you for work. 

Let me share with you some of the most common mistakes and clarify why it is best to be honest with your recruiter.

Inaccurate employment history
A common “stretch of the truth” is how employment history is presented in a CV. Often start and finish dates can be stretched out to cover gaps in employment. As recruiters we like to read employment history outlined in months, especially when detailing recent jobs. If the gap was only a couple of weeks, its unlikely to require too much explanation, but for longer absences we will seek to understand the reasons behind this.

Leaving jobs out of your CV
If you started employment and it didn’t work out it can be tempting to leave the job from your CV altogether rather than explain why you were only at a business for a short period of time or why you left the job. As a recruiter this information is valuable so we can secure job opportunities which give you the support and the working environment you can perform best within.
Not being truthful about your reason for leaving
We've heard all sorts of creative responses when asking why someone left their previous role, but an honest answer is always the best. A good answer will candidly identify why you moved on, while also highlighting your aspirations for your next role.

Misleading qualifications or skills
As a job seeker you want to present yourself in the best light possible and it is easy to over-exaggerate your skills and responsibilities, give yourselves qualifications or list achievements which have not actually been attained. 

We verify and qualify skills via online tools such as skills-based testing and reference checks to confirm you can do what you say you can. 

Unauthentic References
We will always ask for two references to verify your qualifications and experience. The ideal referee is your most recent employer. A common occurrence is for family members to be listed as references, ideally to obtain an objective reference your referee should not be related to you.

We understand sometimes you don’t always see eye to eye with your referee/employer (this may be a reason for looking for a new role) but it will be valuable for us to speak with them and just as we expect honesty from yourself we expect the same from them in their dealings with you as an employee.

We conduct our reference check with a range of detailed questions therefore we will identify an unauthentic referee.

The benefits of working with your recruiter

The beauty of having your recruiter supporting your job search is we can advocate for your skills and talents and explain any gaps in your CV or your skills to a potential employer. We paint a fully dimensional picture of you as a potential employee, in addition to what is presented in your CV, and promote the skills and attributes you can bring to the role.

Remember your recruiter is partnering with you to support your employment opportunities. We want to find you the best role to fit your skills, talents and motivations, we want you to succeed. By working with us, honestly, you have the best opportunity to secure the ideal role for you.

If you are looking for work, I encourage you to register for work with us:

Robyn brings with her a wealth of local knowledge and connections. She has worked in a range of businesses and industries including; account management/sales (both locally and nationally), healthcare, media, real estate, manufacturing and NZ tourism. This gives Robyn the ability to draw on personal experience and apply these skills to your business or personal situation.

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