As a business owner time is money and business ultimately comes down to ROI. We free up your time so you can focus on activity that creates money for your business. As Recruitment Specialists we prioritise filling a permanent or temporary role above anything else in our day.
PN Personnel connect and build relationships with a wide range of job seekers. These connections are key to sourcing the widest and most suitable range of candidates in the market (not just the ones currently available). We network with a range of industry specific professionals, to further widen the search and potentially shoulder tap potential employees on behalf of our employers. Whilst most recruiting firms specialise in certain industries, we specialise in serving our whole market. We are aware of top quality prospects who not only fit the qualifications but also have the right motivation, behaviours, and are committed to living and working in Manawatu.
We take the time to know you and your business so that we can best present your business and your vacancy to a prospective employee. When you would like an expert negotiator a third party advocate goes a long way in being able to highlight your brand and business proposition..
We want Manawatu businesses to succeed and know what the market rates are, in terms of salary, benefits, and other competitive perks. PN Personnel strengthen your Employment Brand by buffering feedback, negotiating towards mutually beneficial conditions.
If you've experienced new employees not working out in the past, for reasons outside of your control, then work with professionals who offer replacement guarantees. If, in the rare case an employee is not working out, work with an agency that keeps in contact and supports your business to make sure the placements work.
Contact Us
53 Princess Street, Palmerston North 4410
PO Box 594, Palmerston North 4440
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