Posted On May 12, 2022
You think you have the ideal applicant for your vacancy. Whilst you might be itching to make a job offer, confirm your applicant and get back to business, reference checking should always be a key step in your recruitment process.
A good reference check will confirm and reconfirm whether your applicant CAN do the job and if they have the WILL/DRIVE to do the job.
What you need to confirm in your reference check:
Your reference check will ask for information and reconfirm the following:
Who to ask:
Not all referees are the same, ideally you want to speak to:
Or an alternative may be:
An applicant may prefer their current boss is not contacted in the first instance, but will normally be happy to provide their details if an offer of employment is likely.
How many references do you need?
It depends on the role, and the quality of the reference but we recommend at least two references to best confirm and reconfirm the suitability of the applicant.
Verbal is best.
For a thorough and insightful reference you want to talk to a referee directly. It allows for you to set the scene with details of your business and vacancy, and for the referee to do the same so you can understand the working environment your applicant has been involved in.
A verbal reference gives you the opportunity to cover off any “grey” areas, learn more about areas an applicant has succeeded and areas for development.
Depending on the role reference checking can be as quick as a 5 minute phone call verifying facts to a 45 minute in-depth discussion on an applicant’s skills, qualities and suitability for your specific position.
If you find it is all too daunting, or too time consuming, talk to PN Personnel. We offer a reference service in which we will consult with you, draft and complete a verbal reference (we recommend at least two) and provide a detailed report based on the information provided.
Having extensive experience as an end to end recruiter, account manager, people leader and in business development – Matt has excellent knowledge of the 360-degree recruitment process and how to partner to understand your business and add real value.
Passionate about what he does Matt gets a real buzz from getting to know his client’s business and assisting their growth by providing tailored talent solutions.
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