Posted On October 13, 2022
If you were to sum up your first year in a couple of words what would they be?
Highs and lows (more highs than lows). I love it but it has been challenging.
What have you learnt in your first year?
I had a bit of imposter syndrome when I first started. I worried about my style of personal branding. My sense of style has elevated, and I have learnt no matter whether you are in corporate or bluecollar, if your own personal style is underpinned by professionalism and ethics you will be relatable.
What has surprised you the most about recruitment?
I was honestly surprised by the value which is added by working with a recruiter. Before I started, I would have assumed businesses could do it themselves with similar results. Now I am more informed about the industry, I understand how beneficial it is - particularly for businesses that are time poor.
You need time in recruitment, it’s easy to miss crucial things when you’re skimming over the top. Having someone dedicated to the right outcome means we can delve deeper and quite often catch things that could’ve become problematic.
What work achievement are you most proud of?
I’m proud of being able to build genuine relationships from the ground up, by being my authentic self. Being recommended by one client or candidate, to another, is always a defining moment of success.
What has been the most rewarding experience?
I had a young woman referred to me, she really impressed me, and I could see her potential. I promoted her to a client who took her on first in a temporary capacity and after a short period of time, she was offered a contract. They loved her, and there is so much satisfaction in that!
It’s hugely rewarding to portray the depth of someone from a perspective an employer would not normally see. I wish I had known when I was that age, that a recruiter could be someone in my corner.
I enjoy working with people at all levels in their careers but especially people who are just starting out in their working life. I really enjoy advocating for them with the right businesses, and giving them that crack in the door, so they can go forth and impress!
Describe a challenge you have overcome.
My biggest challenge was transitioning from working with a sales orientation (a traditionally agreeable approach) to a recruiter/advisor approach, which means sometimes challenging certain expectations or assumptions, to ensure I’m providing a quality service.
Effective recruiters are honest in admitting they, unfortunately, cannot help everyone. That has been a learning curve for me.
What advice would you give yourself if you were just starting out in recruitment?
1. Don’t get caught up in who you think you need to be, be a genuine version of yourself. People who align with your values and approach will gravitate towards you, and your daily work life will be happier for it.
2. Engage with all training opportunities! I was fortunate to receive robust training from PN Personnel and the RCSA (our guiding industry body for the recruitment industry). All recruiters have their own approach, and the more exposure you have, the easier it will be to figure out the type of recruiter you want to be.
3. Make sure the business you join operates as a team, and not as individuals only. At PN Personnel everyone is encouraging, we are a solid team and support each other through the ups and downs. I don’t know how I would have coped for this first year if everyone was purely focused on their own success. Together, we are a powerhouse (and highly effective!)
I absolutely love being a recruiter, it’s hugely rewarding, and I cannot think of a better career path for myself.
If you would like to connect with me, or any of the team, for a genuine opinion, to discuss your next recruitment strategy or to discuss your career pathway - I highly encourage you to get in touch.
Charllotte's experience extends to a wide variety of industries, having worked in a range of account management roles within FMCG, Health and Safety and Optometry.
Creating and maintaining connections, Charllotte is solutions-based in her approach, with the ability to ask the right questions to determine and understand what people need and don’t need. This ability to drill down into the details, along with her flair for reading people, means Charllotte easily builds a high level of trust.
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