Posted On June 15, 2022
Claire Hewson, Managing Director at Manawatu’s leading recruitment agency PN Personnel is not surprised by SEEK’s NZ Employment Report highlighting job ads at record levels and declining applications for roles.
“It is a job seekers market and will continue to be for some time yet.”
Since the pandemic PN Personnel has seen a decline in temporary opportunities, with employers preferring to employ on a permanent basis.
“Permanent vacancies appeal because they offer an employee job security along with benefits such as flexible working conditions.”
Whilst temporary opportunities declined for PN Personnel post-Covid, Claire says temporary work is now on the rise.
“We did find the need for temporary employment decreased over the last 18 months, but this is trending back to pre-Covid days.
"In the last two months we have seen a 20% increase in temporary hours."
It is a tight employment market, recruitment is moving at pace. Recruitment strategies need to be timely as any delays in the process can mean the loss of the preferred person for the job.
“Employers need to be prepared to act quickly following the interview stage, and have all your employment documentation ready to make the offer. We know job seekers can have multiple offers available to them.”
Finding the right person for the job can be a challenge, PN Personnel utilise their contacts and networks to advertise and source quality applicants.
“My team stays in close contact with active job seekers in the market whilst also approaching individuals not actively pursuing employment, who are open to new opportunities.”
With the plethora of job options available business reputation and branding is important. PN Personnel recommends businesses need to be promoting their business brand and culture alongside their vacancy to attract the best applicant.
Claire acknowledges the ability to source skilled people within industries such as trades and services remain a challenge.
In addressing this, businesses need to remain open to individuals with the right aptitude and ability to learn.
Opportunities are in the market for job seekers to move up in their careers or to transition themselves to a new industry.
Local agencies such as CEDA and the Manawatu Business Chamber are working on initiatives to address current shortages in our market, such as CEDA’s Business Attraction, Retention and Expansion strategy.
For businesses looking for staff, or job seekers ready to find a new job, or transition their career, talk to us about options available to you.
Our resident Managing Director, Claire is our in-house HR practitioner, qualified psychometric assessor and career coach.
Phone 06 280 2399 Mobile 027 541 4013 Email
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53 Princess Street, Palmerston North 4410
PO Box 594, Palmerston North 4440
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