Posted On April 18, 2024
Local businesses are adapting to the changing economic circumstances presented to them, in a few cases this may result in disestablishing one or more roles within their business.
As an employee, if you find yourself in this position there are many ways you can transition and prepare for your next job opportunity.
1 - Talk to your employer before you leave
It will be beneficial for you to understand the reasons why your role has been disestablished as this will be valuable to communicate when you speak with potential new employers.
Ask your employer if they will offer any outplacement services and if yes, contact PN Personnel.
Also ask if your employer can be a referee for your future job applications. Re-confirm their contact details so you can share this information with recruiters/employers.
2 - Make a Career Plan
Take some time to re-evaluate your career aspirations and goals. Ask yourself these questions:
You may find you want to go down a slightly different career path, you’re ready to take the next step in your career or you may want to take a step back from previous responsibilities.
3 - Talk to us regarding a new job opportunity
You don’t have to navigate your way alone. Partnering with our team of experienced recruiters can provide you with the confidence, support and guidance to approach, plan and prepare for new job opportunities as they arise, whether it be permanent or temporary work
4 - Consider Temporary work
Temping assignments can bridge the gap in your employment and finances whilst you are searching for your ideal permanent opportunity. Consider the types of temporary job assignments you would accept as this may vary from how you position yourself for a permanent role.
6 - Treat your job search like your new job
Set yourself some allocated time and commit to this. It may be an hour of two at a specific time each day to prepare job applications, to research companies you would like to work for or to spend time on social media and LinkedIn. Just by sharing you are looking for a new position can open doors to potential new job opportunities.
Stay in touch with your recruiter to discuss jobs of interest to you as they arise.
By creating a plan and committing to your job search you are taking the positive steps to finding your next new job opportunity.
Robyn brings with her a wealth of local knowledge and connections. She has worked in a range of businesses and industries including; account management/sales (both locally and nationally), healthcare, media, real estate, manufacturing and NZ tourism. This gives Robyn the ability to draw on personal experience and apply these skills to your business or personal situation.
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