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Posted On June 24, 2020 

As recruiters we have been trained and have many years of experience in the hiring process.

When discussing our process with an employer we explain all the steps required for a successful recruitment and why they are important in attracting, assessing and qualifying the right person.

To assist you in your next recruitment, make sure you take these steps! 

1 - Reference check!

This is the most common error employers can make. Either not reference checking at all, or not reference checking properly.

Make sure you:

  • Talk to the right people (someone who directly managed the candidate)
  • Contact a recent reference (five years makes a difference)
  • Ask a combination of direct and open-ended questions

2 – Include appropriate Assessments and Skills testing

There are always specific skills or attributes required to successfully to perform the functions of a role, test candidates as part of your recruitment process. We offer:

Psychometric testing - to determine a candidates personality, ability to think creatively and management abilities. 

Computer testing - Skills testing, our most popular including (but not limited to):

  • MS Word, Excel, Outlook
  • Typing
  • Data Entry

Practical testing – this testing is specific to a company’s requirements to understand an individual’s suitability for their role.

Our testing options are extensive, feel free to discuss your needs with us and we can suggest the most relevant testing for your job.

3 – Use competency-based interview questions

If you ask the right questions, you will obtain the answers and information you need to make an informed recruitment decision.

Competency based questions are interview questions which require a detailed response, questions are structured to describe a situation and the candidate’s approach to this to understand their abilities and skills relevant to the position they are applying for.

PN Personnel has a range of competency-based questions we offer to our employers for their interviews. From conducting our own internal interviews, to sitting on an interview panel for employers, our Recruitment Specialists can add value with our interview skills and perceptions.

4 – Recruitment takes time

If you don’t have time to:

  • Write a thorough job advert and market your vacancy
  • Read through cover letters and CVs
  • Screen candidates
  • Interview candidates
  • Reference and skills check

We recommend you talk to us because we have the time, systems and procedures to manage all these recruitment processes. 

5 – Qualify all candidates

It can be tempting to employ one of the first candidates to apply, because you need someone asap. The better option is to properly assess and qualify each candidate based on their suitability for the job.  If you are time-poor, consider a short-term solution: a temporary staff member.

A temporary staff member can take the pressure off your business and give you time to recruit for your position.

Temporary staff allow time for a thorough recruitment process, for the right person, not the first one.

6 – Hire on ability, skills and attitude, rather than from a friend’s recommendation.

We are a small country, where two degrees of separation is real, and chances are a friend will recommend a friend of theirs for a job. We don’t want to offend, and we often see a situation where a small business owner feels obligated to interview and even employ someone because their mate recommended them, even though they are not the best person for the job. If you find you are in this situation, a third-party such as PN Personnel can keep your playing field even and your friendship intact.

If you are an employer, big or small, looking for assistance with your recruitment, do get in touch.  We can run the entire process or help you through part of the process. Ensuring the right people are recruited to businesses in the Manawatu will ensure the continued growth and development of our region.

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