Posted On August 5, 2021
Without explanation, your top applicant for your job suddenly disappears. No communication, no explanation. You have been ghosted. Ghosting from job seekers is happening right now in the recruiting world. We explain what this means, why it is happening and how you can best avoid being ghosted.
What is ghosting?
The recruitment definition of ghosting is when an applicant for your job ceases all communication without notification. The applicant has disappeared without a word, leaving you without the opportunity to fill your vacancy.
Ghosting may occur at any stage of the recruitment process; you may never hear from them after the initial phone screening, or as late as not showing up for their first day on the job.
Why are you being ghosted?
Job seekers have multiple jobs available to them, and whilst their reasons for ghosting vary, it can be as simple as wanting to avoid confrontation and awkwardness in saying no to a recruiter or hiring manager/employer.
Other reasons job seekers ghost can include:
It seems there is ample training for how to write a CV and present yourself in an interview, but when it comes to turning down a job offer, applicants just don’t know how to manage the situation, so choose to ignore it.
How to avoid it
Be clear from the start of your recruitment – let your applicants know the process and what communication they can expect from you, along with what you expect from them.
PN Personnel can help!
Working with your friendly recruiter is reassuring for both the employer and the job seeker. We pride ourselves in our credibility, local networks and take an ethical approach to recruiting.
From the initial connection we work to establish positive lines of communication based on honesty. Our experiences of ghosting are minimal because we provide feedback from both the employer and the job seeker to keep the recruitment communication and strategy moving forward for a positive outcome.
If you have found you have been ghosted, we encourage you to get in touch for a confidential chat to understand how we can help you with your recruitment.
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53 Princess Street, Palmerston North 4410
PO Box 594, Palmerston North 4440
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